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I was the co-founder and organiser of an R Ladies chapter in Coventry. R-Ladies is a worldwide organisation set up to promote diversity in the R and coding community. We host regular (online) meet-ups in the form of workshops, flash presentations, discussions, tutorials and much more.

Follow R-Ladies Coventry on Twitter: @RLadiesCoventry

Find the meet-ups:

Join the mailing list at: coventry[at]

Past Workshops

Freya Watkins (March, 2022): Keeping track of your R code: Version control with Git, GitHub and RStudio

*BSL-English interpretation provided*

Zane Dax (January, 2022): How to unlock Twitter's hidden meta data: An introduction to the tweet package

Bodo Winter (November, 2021): Introduction to data wrangling with the tidyverse

video, material

Sara Iacozza (November, 2021): How to run funnel analyses in R (with a little help from RSQLite)

*joint event with RLadies Italy*


Shannon Pileggi (September, 2021): Growing into the R community 

*joint event with RLadies Utrecht*

video, resources

Sophie Hardy (May, 2021): Improving your data visualisations in R 


Thea Knowles (March, 2021): An introduction to R-Markdown 

video, resources

Priya Silverstein (January, 2021): An introduction to the BayesFactor R 

video, resources

Arushi Garg (December, 2020): Improving your coding practices in R


Ella Kaye (October, 2020): How to get help in R

video, resources

RLadies Coventry on Twitter

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